Thursday, May 28, 2009

Big and chunky

It's true that this once-a-week is harder than I thought, and that isn't helped by having my camera out of commission for too many days.
All that whining aside, I managed to get one picture of this big, earthy, chunky necklace that I actually made a couple of weeks ago (is that cheating, to use a piece not made in the week in question?). The jasper nuggets in neutral shades are big, big, big, the colors of a cloudy day leavened by striations of golden yellow in the focal nugget. This one got a lot of attention the one time I wore it to see if it worked.
I think I'll make more of these for the fall.


  1. Love the necklace, it definitely makes me think of fall.

  2. this is really cool! kind of like jewelry for naturalists/ geologists? :O) i'm a fan.
