Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hula Hooping

I've been crocheting up a storm lately, working on another teddy bear and a doll. I just need to stitch up the pieces and finish up a few more small things. But this wk's picture shows something else I've been working on...though it's blurry. I'm trying to learn to hula hoop. I know, you're probably thinking *everyone* knows how already? Not so. Out of a few hundred tries I've only successfully hula hooped about 4 or 5 times...so I'm just going to keep working at it.


  1. Love the photo. I can't hula hoop either!

  2. Ha ha, Ruth, what a great shot of you swinging those hips! You are an amazing "athlete."

  3. I'm online now trying to find out about hula hooping and found your blog!!

  4. well if you need a hoop i've got a friend who makes them, let me know!
